People Management

Generation Z, also known as Gen Wii or the iGeneration is making their first step towards employment. The successors to the Millennial generation, people belonging to Gen Z were born between 1996 and 2012. In other words, some of them are now mature enough to...

Every company needs employees. Without good workers, no business can hope to survive in a highly competitive and oversaturated market. It's safe to say that many companies have a lot of issues regarding their employment practices and the majority of these issues are, in fact,...

From team colleagues to leadership, workplace attitudes influence every person in the organization. Attitudes impact morale, productivity and team effectiveness. Thus, understanding and recognizing the behaviors that are at the root of poor attitudes is essential to the success and security of the business. It only...

There is no shortage of productivity boosting tips available, ranging from those which are easy to implement (e.g. to-do lists) to those which are difficult to get away with (e.g. taking a nap under your desk). The key question is which of these tips are proven...

Many organizations implement diversity initiatives with the intention of capturing the innovation, performance, and retention benefits provided by diverse workplaces[1]. However, a recently released report from the Diversity Council of Australia has found these initiatives often fail to achieve their desired outcomes – to the...

Remote work is really about trust. Are they doing their job? Are they slacking off? Sometimes leaders don’t support remote working because they feel the need to be in control. As the CEO of a global company I have key executives working remotely. The executive team meet...

What happens when employers put their people first? Before the proverbial numbers? Most would argue that the bottom line should always be the focus of business. It's what the shareholders and other stakeholders demand - but where do the people making this happen - the employees...