24 Jun 5 Benefits of Hiring Freelancers
Today’s workforce is evolving at an unbelievable pace. While yesterday’s professionals may have been tied to the standard eight-hour workday, modern workers are now opting for more flexible work arrangements. This has paved the way for what we now know as the gig economy, which Small Biz Trends states makes up more than a fourth of U.S. workers. It’s not difficult to see why people from all over the world are gravitating towards the freelance set-up, given its freedom and autonomy. But working with freelancers offers lots of growth potential for businesses, too. Here are some benefits to hiring freelancers for your team.
Perhaps one of the top reasons why companies hire freelancers is because they are more cost-effective than full-time employees. Sometimes, the work that needs to be filled isn’t routine or it could be a one-time task. For this reason, freelancers can accomplish the job and get paid only whenever you need them. You don’t have to worry about the additional expenses that are tied to regular staff, like medical benefits and insurance, as well as unproductive down time.
2. Access to top-tier talent
Freelancers are highly specialized professionals, with many of them devoting years to perfecting their craft. Tech freelance platform Yoss points out that the top talent in the industry aren’t usually tied to bureaucratic agencies, and instead prefer to work on their own terms, especially with the high value of their work. This also holds true for freelancers in other industries because it gives them more control over the clients they want to work with. So if you’re looking for someone with extensive experience in their industry, freelancers are the way to go.
3. Better quality work
There are numerous misconceptions surrounding teleworking. Writer Margaret Ryan shares that it sometimes causes management to overlook employees’ quality of work when not done inside the office. However, successful freelancers prove that you don’t need be physically present to produce great work. In fact, they might even be more efficient. Because they don’t come with the typical training and adjustment periods that are present with normal employees, freelancers don’t have to go through the tedious trial and error periods. By this point, they’ve already mastered their flow. On top of this, they have more incentive to perform well because they thrive on repeat clients and referrals.
4. Connections
Sometimes, you don’t need to hire an entire marketing agency or PR firm to reach a market you want to tap. You’d be surprised what a freelancer with a network can do for you at a fraction of the cost. After all, the freelance life is built on connections. So even if you’re hiring a writer, chances are, they can recommend a tried-and-tested graphic designer who can take your business even further.
5. Diversity
An article on The Conversation notes how freelancers make up a diverse population of workers — from their varying educational backgrounds, differing working styles, to their ethnicities, and more. As such, freelancers can bring a new perspective to your work. Moreover, their skill sets are just as diverse. Even for the most obscure technologies or niches, there’s probably a freelancer out there who has a specialist skill ideal for the project. You even have the option to search for manpower globally, because freelancers work remotely and from all over the world.
Melissa Jordan is a freelance marketer and design strategist living in downtown New York City.
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