Staffing & Recruitment

Generation Z, also known as Gen Wii or the iGeneration is making their first step towards employment. The successors to the Millennial generation, people belonging to Gen Z were born between 1996 and 2012. In other words, some of them are now mature enough to...

Every company needs employees. Without good workers, no business can hope to survive in a highly competitive and oversaturated market. It's safe to say that many companies have a lot of issues regarding their employment practices and the majority of these issues are, in fact,...

So after a thorough process of searching, screening and selecting, you finally have an ideal new employee. From the time they start working with your organisation it’s important to make them feel welcome and comfortable with their new environment otherwise they may not feel like...

Having selected the candidates — which we talked about last time – then come the interviews. And, these can now be “behaviorally smart,” using questions based on the outcomes of the pre-hire assessments you’ve completed. Well-structured resumes are not difficult to produce, with or without a...

The science and art of hiring, retaining and properly matching people to positions and positions to organizational needs and culture is mission-critical. Every business wants to hire quality people. Many will have a structured approach to the type of candidates they are looking for, that is,...

The Art of Matchmaking Blog Series: Step 5 - Career Mapping and Succession planning Successful organizations have focused their talent management activities such as attraction, recruiting, hiring, onboarding, performance management, employee development, team building, and succession planning into a strategic workforce plan. This long-term strategy; aligned...

Employers can become frustrated from time to time. However, they should be careful when making decisions and communicating them to employees. Statements made about an employee privately between senior management can be inadvertently brought to light in litigation if, for example, an employee brings an...

Whether your organization is up and running or you are an entrepreneur facing your first hire, you may have valid questions around the hiring process. Is this the right time to hire? Do I have a recruitment process that fosters ongoing employee engagement? And if you...