Staffing & Recruitment

The Art of Matchmaking 7-steps signature program focus on the organizational and employee needs throughout the employee journey; also known as employee lifecycle so that the employee experience, engagement and retention could be impacted in every step. For the last 10 years we’ve been experiencing...

As a Human Resources professional, if you and your team obsessed over all the metrics that every article on the web suggested you should measure to confirm whether you are running an effective recruitment process, you would end up spending most of your time measuring recruiting activities...

Imagine this: You arrive at your office on a typical Monday morning, knowing that you have a massive amount of estimating and quoting to get done. You think to yourself, ‘WOW remember how we used to do it!’ You’d get your first of many coffees...

Better sales staff equals more sales. It sounds simple, doesn’t it? Increasing the productivity of your sales people, however, is a complex task fraught with misunderstanding. Finding high performing staff involves a specific hiring approach which targets those with precisely the right attributes for the job...

The Step I of my signature program is attracting the future workers with “matchmaking-strategizing”; in other words, communicating the reasons why someone should want to work for you and matching the corporate culture, values & employer brand with the potential candidates. In addition to understand...

I’ve been ‘playing’ in the recruitment game for nearly 25 years. In that time, I’ve trained literally thousands of recruitment consultants. At some point in their induction I would always ask, “So who do you think is more important? The client or the candidate?” After an awkward silence,...

PERFORMANCE MATTERS Have you ever stopped to wonder why some people in your business always perform better than others? Has it ever crossed your mind that you can do something about this? What image is conjured when you imagine a high performing individual? I bet most...

Is finding talented and experienced staff a continuous challenge? There is a distinct trend that applicant lists are getting smaller and that when candidates do apply, they are more demanding for what they require to make that all important career move. For now, gone are...

One of the fastest-growing recruiting trends in recent years has been social recruiting—searching and scouting people on social media networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter—to fill open positions. With billions of people using social networks, it’s no wonder that recruiters are turning to them...

LinkedIn’s Head of Recruitment (Brendan Browne) recently wrote that there are two major hiring mistakes, he is only wrong because there are actually 6 major hiring mistakes!!” And all of these mistakes are costing Australian business billions of dollars.   Brendan Browne quite rightly identifies two mistakes: Hiring managers set unrealistic...