Performance Management

Outplacement is vital for any company or organisation implementing enforced workplace change, downsizing, retrenchment or redundancy. Typically management view the provision of Outplacement services as a benevolent act to assist former employees find another position and move on with their lives, and whilst this is a...

The science and art of hiring, retaining and properly matching people to positions and positions to organizational needs and culture is mission-critical. Every business wants to hire quality people. Many will have a structured approach to the type of candidates they are looking for, that is,...

The Art of Matchmaking Blog Series: Step 5 - Career Mapping and Succession planning Successful organizations have focused their talent management activities such as attraction, recruiting, hiring, onboarding, performance management, employee development, team building, and succession planning into a strategic workforce plan. This long-term strategy; aligned...

Every organization has talent stars. The ones who shine. The ones who consistently get wins for the business. The charismatic, in-crowd types. We all know them. We may secretly envy them. Maybe even some of us are them. But where do they fit in today’s more enlightened...

In the last blog we onboard millennials with snackable training, fun and fast-paced activities. Now this employee had demonstrated leadership potential and it’s time to move to our fourth step; Leadership Development. There is a difference between a high-performance persona and a high potential leader. Let’s...

Times have changed. Workplaces are fast becoming (for some) a vehicle for earning more money to pay for a lifestyle of smashed avocado and green smoothies, investment properties whilst living at home with mum and dad, holidays to Bali and Byron and buying the latest sports...

Leaders win by putting people before numbers By Hugh Massie Our greatest asset is our people. How often have you heard such a statement and then wondered why attrition at the company is off the Richter scale? After all, it’s a glib, meaningless statement unless the action supporting...

Is diversity and inclusion (D&I) in organizations and teams just the latest HR craze? Or maybe just a nod to equality compliance? Neither. D&I, when introduced appropriately, mines the rich and often untapped talent within an organization. In fact, understanding what D&I means when implemented within a business...

Employers can become frustrated from time to time. However, they should be careful when making decisions and communicating them to employees. Statements made about an employee privately between senior management can be inadvertently brought to light in litigation if, for example, an employee brings an...