Performance Management

Have you ever experienced arriving all fresh and ready to go for your first day at a new job but your manager is running late? Maybe the receptionist doesn’t know where your desk is (if you even have one)? Worse still, perhaps nobody is even expecting...

The idea of having performance appraisals can make team members feel all sorts of emotions. Some feel fear and anxiety, others may feel neutral or excited, or even entitled. As the time for performance appraisals approaches, here are 8 areas management can review in helping...

Whether your organization is up and running or you are an entrepreneur facing your first hire, you may have valid questions around the hiring process. Is this the right time to hire? Do I have a recruitment process that fosters ongoing employee engagement? And if you...

By Abraham Ash, Partner and Heloise Ormandy, Lawyer, Clayton Utz Disciplining and terminating employees for inappropriate use of social media is unfortunately a "hot topic" for businesses. The divide between "work life" and "private life" has become increasingly blurred, in large part due to the...

While it is now common for workplaces to strive for workplace well being, the role of culture is sometimes overlooked. In reality, workplace wellness programs including gym memberships, step challenges and flu vaccinations pale into insignificance when compared with the effects of workplace culture on...

The Art of Matchmaking 7-steps signature program focus on the organizational and employee needs throughout the employee journey; also known as employee lifecycle so that the employee experience, engagement and retention could be impacted in every step. For the last 10 years we’ve been experiencing...

As a Human Resources professional, if you and your team obsessed over all the metrics that every article on the web suggested you should measure to confirm whether you are running an effective recruitment process, you would end up spending most of your time measuring recruiting activities...

How not to be named and shamed in the #MeToo movement By Hugh Massie As leaders, we have a responsibility to understand the impact our behaviour has on the people we have the responsibility (and the privilege) of leading. No longer is it acceptable to bully, manipulate, harass,...

Better sales staff equals more sales. It sounds simple, doesn’t it? Increasing the productivity of your sales people, however, is a complex task fraught with misunderstanding. Finding high performing staff involves a specific hiring approach which targets those with precisely the right attributes for the job...

The Step I of my signature program is attracting the future workers with “matchmaking-strategizing”; in other words, communicating the reasons why someone should want to work for you and matching the corporate culture, values & employer brand with the potential candidates. In addition to understand...