Organisational Change

As the founder of a Human Performance Acceleration firm, I’ve come to understand the importance of diversity, not just on boards and in leadership, but in my own business. Through broadening the composition of the leadership team, I’ve found that such diversity increases the richness of...

Every company needs employees. Without good workers, no business can hope to survive in a highly competitive and oversaturated market. It's safe to say that many companies have a lot of issues regarding their employment practices and the majority of these issues are, in fact,...

Many organizations implement diversity initiatives with the intention of capturing the innovation, performance, and retention benefits provided by diverse workplaces[1]. However, a recently released report from the Diversity Council of Australia has found these initiatives often fail to achieve their desired outcomes – to the...

We previously focused on How would employees describe your culture? That is, culture and the role leadership has in shaping it. Now, let’s talk about implementing culture. How do you gain the insights to identify talents and behaviors to deliver a healthy culture that leads to...

Culture is the personality and character of your company. How would employees describe your culture? The culture is toxic. Leaders are the worst. Don’t worry about it, just do it. Culture, what culture? No one cares what I think. I don’t tell people where I work. Or…....

Outplacement is vital for any company or organisation implementing enforced workplace change, downsizing, retrenchment or redundancy. Typically management view the provision of Outplacement services as a benevolent act to assist former employees find another position and move on with their lives, and whilst this is a...

Every organization has talent stars. The ones who shine. The ones who consistently get wins for the business. The charismatic, in-crowd types. We all know them. We may secretly envy them. Maybe even some of us are them. But where do they fit in today’s more enlightened...

Times have changed. Workplaces are fast becoming (for some) a vehicle for earning more money to pay for a lifestyle of smashed avocado and green smoothies, investment properties whilst living at home with mum and dad, holidays to Bali and Byron and buying the latest sports...

Is diversity and inclusion (D&I) in organizations and teams just the latest HR craze? Or maybe just a nod to equality compliance? Neither. D&I, when introduced appropriately, mines the rich and often untapped talent within an organization. In fact, understanding what D&I means when implemented within a business...