Organisational Change

Employers always have a responsibility to be vigilant about health and safety. Correct procedures need to be interwoven throughout all of your operations to help keep your employees safe and healthy. But there are also key times during someone's employment when you need to make...

OKR (Objective and Key Results) is a modern approach to performance evaluation that is gaining popularity in corporate settings. It allows for greater transparency and flexibility, permitting teams of all sizes to have meaningful conversations about their performance goals. OKRs also provide tangible objectives that can be...

In the fast-paced world of commercial fleets, efficiency and productivity are the linchpins of success. The role of Human Resources (HR) in this sector is often underestimated, yet it serves as the backbone that supports the operational structure. By leveraging HR management tools, companies can...

According to the American Ambulance Association, the emergency medical services (EMS) sector posted poor worker retention rates in 2022, with overall turnover rates being in the range of between 21% and 36% for the different occupations within the industry. These workers included paramedics and emergency...

Many organizations are experiencing significant staff turnover rates and high expenditures due to the Great Resignation. Do you feel like you're in the same boat? Are you an employer that is concerned about retaining your employees? If you’re one of them, continue reading. Companies need to...

Fleet operations are an essential component of many businesses, and maintaining smooth operations can have a significant impact on overall success. The Human Resources (HR) department plays a critical role in ensuring that fleet operations run efficiently, from communication strategies and training to purchasing safe...

As Mark Twain once said, "The secret of getting ahead is getting started." So, let's dive right into the quantum realm of recruitment, shall we? Picture this, a recruiter named Jane, hunched over her computer, drowning in a sea of resumes. She daydreams about how incredible...

In an era where technology reigns supreme, the Human Resources (HR) department isn't left untouched by its transformative power. Innovative digital solutions have revolutionized how businesses function, making processes more efficient and data-driven. The wave of change has also surged across traditional bookkeeping, with businesses...

Customers are the lifeblood of any business. Their needs, preferences, and satisfaction directly shape the success and growth of an organization. In today's competitive market, where customer expectations are higher than ever, businesses must adopt a customer-centric approach. It prioritizes the customer at every touchpoint...