Organisational Change

Written by: Edwin Mouriño-Ruiz - Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. —Peter F. Drucker Study after study demonstrates that the main reasons employees leave organizations are poor management and lack of leadership. In fact, a 2013 white paper from the Center for...

By Sue Brooks - Strategic workforce planning (SWP) is arguably more important than ever before. The skills required of the workforce are constantly adapting, and there are widespread skills shortages. Therefore, the ability to effectively pipeline internal and external talent over the coming years becomes...

By Kevin Martin - To prepare someone to lead globally, development options must equip leaders with the right combination of skills around collaboration and influence. Most curriculum to develop global leadership skills and competencies focuses on the same points: developing and executing strategic business plans; communicating...

By Brian Sommer - Summary: Change has become so frequent that businesses need a more adaptable worker/executive. But are employers and the HR solutions they use up to the task? I’ve given a number of webinars, presentations, etc., lately regarding the resurgent war for talent. Some...