Occupational Health & Safety

In UK workplaces, high-quality safety equipment is a fundamental component for mitigating risks and ensuring operational efficiency. This guide outlines the tangible benefits of investing in superior protective gear, including reduced injury rates, enhanced worker satisfaction, and compliance with national safety standards, tailored for business...

Employers always have a responsibility to be vigilant about health and safety. Correct procedures need to be interwoven throughout all of your operations to help keep your employees safe and healthy. But there are also key times during someone's employment when you need to make...

Many organizations are experiencing significant staff turnover rates and high expenditures due to the Great Resignation. Do you feel like you're in the same boat? Are you an employer that is concerned about retaining your employees? If you’re one of them, continue reading. Companies need to...

Workplace safety is a critical issue for any business. According to the Economic Policy Institute, workplace injuries and illnesses cost businesses more than $250 billion annually in lost productivity, medical expenses, and legal fees. That's why HR professionals need to take steps to improve and maintain...

It's no secret that employees who are in good health are more productive. They're also less likely to take sick days and can be a positive influence on their co-workers. If you're looking for ways to help your employees lead healthier lives, look no further!...

It can be quite a daunting task to run a business and keep on top of all the requirements needed to be compliant with the law. One area that can be particularly tricky and time-consuming is health and safety. Following ever-changing guidance can be hard...

HIPAA is the acronym for Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This law is intended to improve the portability and continuity of health insurance coverage. As a part of the HR department, you are responsible for ensuring compliance with all HIPAA regulations. Why Is HIPAA Important? HIPAA...

By Abraham Ash, Partner and Heloise Ormandy, Lawyer, Clayton Utz Disciplining and terminating employees for inappropriate use of social media is unfortunately a "hot topic" for businesses. The divide between "work life" and "private life" has become increasingly blurred, in large part due to the...

While it is now common for workplaces to strive for workplace well being, the role of culture is sometimes overlooked. In reality, workplace wellness programs including gym memberships, step challenges and flu vaccinations pale into insignificance when compared with the effects of workplace culture on...